Editorial services

Use my editorial services for a website, intranet, blog, leaflet, report, brochure, article, case study, journal, newsletter, bid or tender, thesis or paper, or any other communication.

Writing – producing text from scratch, perhaps involving research and case study interviews, or drawing on sources that you provide. For a website or for print.

Editing – creating coherent and pleasing content when your current version isn’t just as you want it. Might include improving grammar and punctuation, simplifying language, finding the right tone of voice, or ensuring information is consistent and clear. Anything from a light touch to a rewrite.

Repurposing – dismantling a communication and rewriting it for a different purpose (often a website) or audience.

Content management – an additional resource to help manage your website, working with your content management system.

Copy-editing – the classic publishing function that checks your text for accuracy and consistency; corrects grammar, punctuation and structure; prepares the script for production.

Proofreading – a final check of your website or communication before it goes live.

Training, coaching and consultancy – tailored solutions to help your team with clarity, brevity and reader-centred prose.

Contact me for more information, advice or a quotation.